Thursday, October 04, 2007

No title...

Hello~ Ha haa.. very long never come up and update my blog le... it's like a bit waste effort on the decoration.. haha... I have no idea why i am writing this post... Well.. Maybe i am just too bored now..

Recently... should be one month ago le... I am attach to this factory named " Wincor Nixdrof" for attachment for 3 months. It is fun and interesting... Haha... All have thanks to "someone" which keep us entertained...

Yesterday while i was working.. there's a girl who said this phrase to someone else which i think is very meaningful to me...

"不要活在別人的思想裡, 活在別人的思想裡不是很累嗎?
何必擔心或在意別人的想法... 做回你自己, 不是會比較快樂嗎?"

After hearing this which i think thats wheres my bad point.. I always think too much which i shouldn't worry about... Now i tried to change and learn to control myself.

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